Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Learning outcomes - after studying this topic, you should be able to:
  • explain the special stability of benzene and why it does not react like an alkene
  • name simple aromatic compounds using IUPAC nomenclature
  • predict the products for the reaction of benzene with several different electrophiles

Textbook and eBook References

Lecture Notes, Tutorial Worksheets & Answers and Suggested Exam Questions

ChemCAL, iChem and Contributed Resources

Acidity of Organic Molecules and Types of Organic Reactions
Description: Video and interactive tutorials and self test quizzes on the acidity of organic molecules and types of organic reactions
Tags: acidity | substitution | elimination | addition | oxidation | reduction
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Alkenes, benzene and alkynes
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman